Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Each semester, the staff of Campus Outreach Charlotte are required to take a "halftime" from work and ministry. This is an opportunity to step away from the campus to rest/recharge, evaluate the first half of the semester and to plan for the second half of the semester. The nature of college ministry is such a grind that halftimes are really necessary. This semester is the first halftime that Amy & I will get to take together. We are excited to be able to use a friend's condo from our church in Hilton Head, SC. We feel very blessed to work for a ministry that requires us to do something like this and to have friends who graciously allow us to use beach houses! Please pray that this would be a restful time for us and that we would equipped and ready for the second half of the fall semester.

During our time at Hilton Head, we will be taking some extended time to pray for our lives, UNCC, ministry, etc. but we also are going to spend time praying for our friends, family and supporters. If there is something you would like us to pray for, please feel free to let us know: or It's our privilege to partner with you in prayer as you partner with us!

Thank you,
Zach & Amy

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