Thursday, November 12, 2009

On the Road Again...

Yes, that seems to be our lives this semester: on the road again. Tomorrow kicks off a four week tour of the Southeast for the Fulginitis. We will be out of town every weekend for four straight weeks traveling to Richmond, Chapel Hill, Charleston and Boone! This weekend we will be heading to Richmond, VA for a "Heart to Heart" Marriage Retreat that the Barnabus Center puts on. We are really excited to be able to invest in our marriage so early on. It will be a lot of traveling coming up, but much of it will be spent with friends and family. Pray for our retreat this weekend and safe travels coming up!

One of the major events of our ministry at Campus Outreach is our New Year’s Conference in Washington DC from Dec 29th – Jan 2nd. One of the major barriers for students to attending this conference is money. It costs $240 per student and another $80 to ride the bus up to DC. That is a lot of money for college students. In an effort to help the financial burden of this conference the UNCC staff are trying to help students raise money for this conference. The staff and students will be raking leaves for people and families who want their yards looking nice for Thanksgiving. If anyone from the Charlotte area wants to help a student get to this conference and have their yard looking good for Thanksgiving guests, let me know! We would love to come rake your leaves. We are planning to rake on November 21st. Would you considering praying specifically that God helps these students who desire to grow spiritually get to the New Years Conference in Washington DC despite how much money it costs them?

While Amy & I will be at a marriage retreat in Richmond, the guys at UNCC are going to be up in the mountains having a "Men's Weekend". The guys are planning all kinds of manly events and challenges that range from catching fish with their bare hands to wrestling in fire circles to sleepings outside of the cabin they are renting. I am really excited that some of the guys that I've been leading in a bible study have decided to go on this. It will be a great weekend for community building and Christian fellowship. Please pray for the 20 men going on the Men's Weekend tomorrow. Pray that God would give them godly fellowship with one another.

If you want to get a taste of our weekly event at UNCC, "The U", check out this video from a couple of weeks back that one of the leaders shot: "The U"

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