Saturday, December 12, 2009

Paradox 2009

As the Christmas season is upon us, Amy & I wanted to take a minute to wish you a Merry Christmas! This season always reminds us how blessed we are. Thank you for your support of us!

We wanted to give you an update our upcoming New Year's Conference (Dec 29th-Jan 2nd), "Paradox" ( It has been amazing to see the Lord draw people to this conference. There are 34 students coming from UNCC! This is almost 3x as many students as last year. Praise God!! Over the past month, the UNCC staff has been helping students raise money by raking leaves at various people's homes. We were blessed to have raised almost $3000, which is going to be used to help these students pay for the conference! This past Monday, the students and staff gathered together at an informational meeting for the conference. Here is a quick youtube clip: of the students thanking everyone! Be sure to check it out!! We are so excited at the fruit this semester; this is the most students coming to a conference from UNCC since I have been working with Campus Outreach. God is building His house and growing us! There are going to be 500 students total from 12 campuses worshiping together, learning together and growing together! This conference is going to be a tremendous opportunity for the students to hear about the paradox of the gospel! We are so excited to have a pastor from Washington DC, Mark Dever, be our conference speaker. Please pray that God's Spirit would move into the hearts of many, many students. Pray for laborers to be raised up at this conference.

This is a truly exciting season of ministry! Your support and prayers make God's work on the college campus possible. Thank you.

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