Monday, February 15, 2010

Cross Cultural Project 2010 - South Africa!

Every year, a select group of students from our campuses are challenged to participate in a missions trip to Johannesburg, South Africa. This trip is called the “Cross Cultural Project” or the CCP. This year, we have the privilege of leading this team with Campus Outreach staff member, Bill Moore. Above is a picture of the staff and students that will be participating in the CCP this coming summer from our first team retreat in Matthews, NC on January 24th. From June 24th to August 10th we will in Africa sharing the gospel with South Africans. We are really excited about this opportunity! While we are in South Africa, we will be partnering with Campus Outreach Johannesburg to minister to university students on the campus of the University of Johannesburg at Bunting.


1. We will lead a team to minister to college students at the University of Johannesburg at Bunting

2. The goal for our team this summer is to build relationships with these students in order to share the gospel and train them as disciples of Christ.

3. In addition to ministering on the campus throughout the week, we will be teaching a training program throughout the summer to equip the CCP participants as a lifelong laborers and leaders for God’s kingdom.

4. Our summer will also include a week-long mercy mission either in Johannesburg or in a rural village of South Africa serving a community in need.


1. To be exposed to ministry in a country going through massive cultural changes, and to see how the gospel has the power to bring about healing and hope.

2. To be grow more in my relationship with Christ that I may know Him and make Him known.

3. To mature in my spiritual life and my character as I relate to the global cause of Christ.

4. To provide encouragement to South African Christians and those who minister with them

5. To establish disciples in South Africa who will spread the glory of God for years to come.

This is a special opportunity for both students from Campus Outreach Charlotte and for us. What an honor it will be to labor alongside brothers and sisters from another campus, culture and continent for the sake of making Jesus Christ known! This summer, the nations will be gathering in Johannesburg for the 2010 World Cup, we will literally be seeking to make disciples of ALL NATIONS (Matthew 28:19-20).

What do we need? Prayer, prayer and more prayer! Here are some things to be lifting up for us before we leave:

1. That Jesus would be seen to be glorious through our planning and preparation.

2. For our leadership of the students and the project to be full of wisdom, discernment and to be Christ-centered.

3. For our students who are responsible to raise $6500 each.

We are excited and humbled at the opportunity God has laid at our feet. Join with us in this great mission, we need you!

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