Tuesday, March 20, 2012



Above is a picture of many of the UNCC students who attended!

CO National Conference Recap

Thank you for those of you who prayed for this conference and tuned it. I believe that so much happens at these conferences because there are so many joining in through prayer. God answered your prayers this past week. At UNCC, we had nine students make professions of faith for the first time or rededicate their lives to Christ. It may very well be that all nine became Christians this week! Praise God!! To get a glimpse of what went on, check out the recap video below. It's only two minutes but gives you a great picture at what went on in Chattanooga, TN this week!

CONATCON Recap Video!

The rallies and seminars will soon be posted to the website, so be sure to check some of them out! Thank you again for your partnership. It's amazing to see all that God has done and humbling to think about all that He has in store!

-Zach & Amy

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