Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer Beach Project 2012

Summer Beach Project 2012

Packing Up: In just a few days, we will be packing up our stuff and moving down to Myrtle Beach, SC for the first four weeks of our ministry's Summer Beach Project. The SBP is an eight week project designed to train students in evangelism, prayer, Bible study and more!  Together, Amy & I have spent parts of 17 summers at this project.  This year, we've been asked to direct the project and we are excited to get to invest in 200 staff and students.  We leave this coming Saturday, May 19th.

UNC Charlotte: Many of you know that several years ago, the ministry at UNCC was "relaunched".  There was a season in which there were no UNCC student who participated in a summer project with Campus Outreach.  Since that time, because of the faithfulness of our staff, the emergence of our student leaders and the favor of God, we have seen over 30 student come to faith in Jesus Christ in the last 18 months!  It is exciting to be a witness to God moving in powerful ways in the lives of college students!  There will be over 50 students attending a summer project with Campus Outreach this year from UNC Charlotte.  Thank you for your prayers for these students and our ministry!



Prayer Requests:

The student pictured to the right are all students who are a direct answer to your prayers!  They are students we have been ministering to in Fraternities and Sororities at UNC Charlotte! 
  1.  Pray for our family as we move into a hotel room for a month.  Pray that Zachary would adjust well and enjoy living amongst 200 people!  We leave May 19th and will stay until June 17th.
  2. Pray for final preparations for the SBP and for safe travel for the staff and students.
  3. Pray for the 50+ students from UNC Charlotte to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of the glory of God at the SBP!

Family Life

Our family dynamic is ever changing with a 15 month old!  Zachary is walking all over the house, exploring and learning new things.  It is a lot of fun, but also very tiresome.  He loves to play with his baseball and bat and will walk around with them for hours on end.  He will also spend countless hours reading books and looking at pictures.  He is a joy to be around!  Amy & I recently had the chance to take a weekend getaway to Boston, MA!  We ate good food, toured the city and saw two Red Sox games.  it was a great time of refreshment just the two of us to get away before the Summer Beach Project.  We were very thankful for this opportunity.

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