Monday, August 23, 2010

SBP Testimonies

Take a minute to watch some of these testimonies from the Summer Beach Project.

Stephen is a church boy, through and through. He grew up going to an awesome church, with an awesome family, and has been a Christian ever since he could remember. However, God does some pretty awesome stuff when we start to really dig deep in the word and to live with a purpose. Stephen has never known how to share his faith and have an impact on others with the gospel of Christ, until now! Ever since Summer Beach Project, Stephen has been dying to get back to school to share the good news with his non-believing friends!

I am thankful for the work that the Lord has done in the life of Aaron. Last October, Aaron was living the party life, and had tried out every sort of substance that existed to try and find joy. He was looking for answers. After becoming a Christian in November, the Holy Spirit has really taken this man's life and has helped him to really grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord.

David had an awesome summer - as he says, the Lord CRUSHED him with awesome truth

I wanted to share with you Daniel's testimony. He had an awesome summer and is pumped to be used by God on Charlotte's campus. This guy came on beach project having to raise $1,650 for Beach Project and nearly $4,000 for a missions trip to the Ukraine in August. He exercised tremendous faith and sacrifice in order to grow in His faith and honor the Lord, and God helped him to raise every last dollar of his support. We are so PUMPED for Daniel to continue growing and be a part of our ministry!

I'm so pumped for Christen! She has been walking with God for nearly a year now. She was raised in an awesome Christian family but went through a period of rebellion, only to wind up coming to our New Years Conference last December/January and getting absolutely stoked on the Lord. Since then, this girl has been so hungry spiritually that WE CAN'T STOP HER from coming to every event we put on and every retreat we host!

Carlton - this dude is awesome! He is a student with a lot of potential to become a great Christian leader. Only two years ago, Carlton was not a Christian and he was living the typical college life at Auburn University. Through a series of crazy circumstances, including getting arrested, Carlton came to know the Lord and then brought him to UNCC where God is now working in him to become a leader and a godly man of character in our ministry. Check it out!

This is Caroline. She came into college as a Christian, but did not have an outlet for her faith and did not have the training in Christian disciplines to know how to truly mature in her walk with Christ. We are thankful, God did an awesome work in giving Caroline both a community, and the necessary training to continue to make her into disciple of Christ. Here is her brief testimony

I wanted to share with you one last testimony. This is a really special one. This is not a Charlotte student, but she is a Davidson student and was on our beach project. Halfway through the summer, Rachel realized that she did not have a relationship with the living God. She explains how she came to this conclusion and the work that God did in her heart to make her a new creation. This was a powerful moment when she shared this story in front of 130 students. Very emotional!

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