Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mobilizing Seniors

[Above is a picture of seniors from Wingate University and UNC-Charlotte]

The reality of college ministry is that the men and women you are ministering to ultimately leave the campus. Every four years, it's a completely new group of people in your "nets". This is why Campus Outreach takes the ministry of mobilizing seniors from the campus and to the real world very seriously. The past couple of weeks, Amy and I have had the chance to travel to the different campuses within CO Charlotte and have dinner with the seniors who will be graduating in May 2011. The goal of this time is to help the students begin to think about life after college. The vision of Campus Outreach is to "Glorify God by Building Laborers on the Campus for the Lost World", well very soon these graduates will be leaving the campus to enter "the Lord World". We want to see the men and women who have come to know Christ in the past four years at college to walk with God for the rest of their lives. We hope to see men and women laboring for the gospel for a lifetime, not just for the four years in college.

You can pray for a retreat that we will be hosting for the 70 soon-to-be graduates and recent graduates from COC on November 13-14. There, we will give them a time to hear from alumni, church leaders and staff who are walking with God in the real world. We hope to help equip them to be exported from their campuses all across the country and the world! Amy and I are responsible for planning and executing this retreat. Would you join us in prayer for these seniors?

Campus Update

The start of the school year has been a wonderful success! We are seeing the Lord move in some awesome ways at UNCC. Tonight, we are hosting an event with Christ Covenant Church's senior pastor Dr. Mike Ross on campus. He will be answering the question of "Is Jesus the Only Way to God?" This weekend, there are men's and women's retreats. We hope these will be great contexts to share the gospel with many non-believers. One of the staff members at UNCC, Andrew Hathaway, started a Bible study with the baseball team and eleven men came. Last night, one of the became a believer, praise God!

Day of Prayer

This coming Friday, September 24th, we will be taking a day to meet with God through prayer. If there is anything that you would like us to pray for, please feel free to let us know.

Thank you & God Bless,
Zach & Amy

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