Friday, October 8, 2010

On the Move at UNCC

It's approximately half-way through the fall semester on the campus of UNC-Charlotte and it's been clear that the Lord has been working in the hearts and minds in many students! In the past two months we've seen over a dozen students make professions of faith. It has been extremely encouraging for our staff and student leaders to witness the Lord drawing men and women to Himself.

Here a video testimony of one of the guys: Justin. He was placed on the 9th floor Moore hall for a reason. Listen as he shares how God used David, one of men that I am leading in a committed Bible Study, to continue to work on his heart and to be a witness to him about the Lord.

If you have trouble viewing make sure you click on:

Personal Note:
We are having a BOY! We found out this past Tuesday that our baby in the womb is a boy. We are thrilled with this blessing from the Lord and are excited to meet our son in early March. Please continue to pray for his health, growth and development these next five months. Amy is currently feeling much better than she was in the first trimester, but has spells of sickness from time to time. She would love and appreciate your prayers as well. Say hello to our little boy in to womb below:

Prayer Requests:
  1. Rest - we will be taking the next few days off to recharge our batteries for the 2nd half of the fall semester.
  2. For the men and women we are leading: David, Aaron, Daniel F, Daniel W, John, Stephen, Danielle, Morgan, Carmen & Jennah to grow in Christ-likeness.
  3. Planning for the upcoming Mobilization Retreat in mid-November.
Thank you!

-Zach & Amy

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