Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

As the holiday season approaches, Amy & I wanted you to know how deeply thankful we are for YOU! Our lives and our ministry is made possible because of your support and your prayers for us. In this semester alone, we've seen dozens of students across North Carolina has been ministered to through retreats, discipleship groups, one on one meetings, evangelistic teaching opportunities and serving our staff administratively because of your faithful giving and prayer. When we take a step back to consider all that God has done, we marvel at His goodness and His faithfulness. One thing is for sure: God is committed to His people and it's is such a privilege to be a part of that. Thank you for you partnership in the gospel!

Mobilization Retreat Recap
Last weekend, 35 seniors from five campuses descended upon Matthews, NC to gather for an overnight retreat for the purpose of thinking intentionally about their lives and walks with God after college. Part of Campus Outreach's vision is to "mobilize" students from the campus to the lost world. Our hope is that the training that students received in college would translate into the workforce. We want to see men and women laboring for the gospel in banks, schools, hospitals, courtrooms, etc. for the rest of their lives, not just the four years in college. During the retreat, the staff and students got to hear from pastors, church leaders and men & women in the business world about how to make much of Jesus Christ after college. One of the timely talks was about bridging the gap between the campus and the church. Would you take a minute to pray for these students that they would seek to labor for Jesus Christ after college? If you are interested in hearing some of the talks from the weekend, check out this website:

New Year's Conference
Much of this semester has been spent in preparation for our annual New Year's Conference in Washington DC. This year we are expecting 550 students from South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Washington DC. Here's an update from last year's conference: We are praying that God does it all again in the lives of new students! Would you join us in prayer as we anticipate this critical event in our ministry. We are asking God to bring 70 students from UNCC alone. Please pray during this season of recruitment, that students would be willing to sacrifice a small part of their holiday break in order to pursue Jesus Christ more. You can pray specifically for me, as I am giving a breakout seminar at the conference on world missions. If you are interested in joining us in Washington DC for any part of the conference, please let us know. We would love to have you see first hand the fruit of your investment. Thank you & Happy Thanksgiving!
-Zach & Amy

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