Friday, December 10, 2010

100 Hours of Prayer

100 Hours of Prayer!

As many of you may know, Campus Outreach is holding a 100 Hours of Prayer event over the New Years Conference in Washington DC. Our hope is that friends and supporters of our ministry would join us in prayer for this conference. This year, there will be 550 students from SC, NC, VA and DC coming to the conference. Many of the students that will be joining us will be young in their faith and many more will not be Christians at all. These students are in need of our prayers! There has been a great deal of time and effort put into planning for and recruiting to the conference; however I'm reminded of Psalm 127:1, "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." Unless the Lord moves in the hearts and minds of these students, all of our planning and recruiting is in vain.

We would like to ask you to give 30 minutes of your time (or more if you wish) between the hours of 5 AM and 12 AM during the week of Dec 29 - Jan 2 going before the Lord in prayer for this ministry. As we approach this conference we are mindful of the strategic importance of prayer as the foundation of our ministry efforts. We are in need of your prayers! If you would like to participate, please visit this website: where you will find a link to a simple form in which you can select one or more 30 minute blocks of time to commit to praying for the ministry of Campus Outreach. Thank you for your friendship and partnership in the Gospel!

Coming Up...

It's hard to believe that the fall semester is over. Students are beginning to take their final exams and head home for the holiday season. Below is a picture from our UNCC Christmas party. These are our student leaders who have been laboring on campus this year. We had a blast celebrating Christ and all He has done this year.

From Dec. 12-16, Amy & I will be in Washington DC for our Staff Training. We will be joining Campus Outreach DC and Campus Outreach Lynchburg for this time. After spending some time in Charlotte and Charleston for the holidays, we will once again head up to Washington DC on Dec 27 and will be there until Jan 2 for the Al!ve Conference. You can pray for endurance during this busy season of traveling.

In less than three months, we will get to meet our firstborn son, Zachary James Fulginiti, Jr! We are in the midst of preparing to be a new mom and dad. Continue to pray for Zachary Jr's health during this final trimester.

Thank you for your support and prayers. We are thankful for your partnership in the gospel! Merry Christmas!

-Zach & Amy

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