Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2.5 Weeks Left

Baby Due: March 7th
In just 19 days, our first child, Zachary James Fulginiti, Jr is due! We are so excited about this and ready to meet him (Amy is particularly ready for him to come)! We are putting the final touches on getting his room together, setting up his crib, putting our hospital bag together, etc. and everything feels like it is approaching really fast. In the past month, we've been taking a birthing class, a new daddy bootcampus class and have attended a parenting conference to help prepare us for labor & delivery and life as Mom and Dad. A week ago, we had an ultrasound and Zachary, Jr was weighing 6 lb & 3 ozs. We feel blessed that so far he looks like a healthy baby!

Winter Blast 2011
This coming weekend is a significant event during the course of our spring calendar. It's our Winter Blast retreat that will be held in Asheville, NC from Feb 18-20. We are prayerfully expecting 250 students from our campuses to attend. Unfortunately, we will be unable to attend due to travel restrictions so close to our due date but we would love your prayers for this events. Here are just two quick prayer requests for Winter Blast:

1. Pray for students to grow in their walks with God.
2. Pray for students to begin to make godly decisions about their summer plans.

If you want to follow along and see some of the Winter Blast updates, check out this website: or watch this youtube video about what the retreat's

content will be focusing on:

Here is a picture of Amy when she was about 32 weeks pregnany.

Would you join us in prayer during these next 2.5 weeks until he is due? Here are some specific prayer requests:
1. Pray for the health of Zachary, Jr. and Amy during there last weeks of pregnancy, leading into labor & delivery
2. Pray for Amy that she would be able to rest and sleep during the night before he comes. It's been hard to get any rest since he is so active and moving around during the night.
3. Pray for us as parents that we would be wise and godly in our parenting.

Thank you!
-Zach & Amy

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