Monday, May 16, 2011

SBP 2011: 4G

3G? 4G? 5G?

I'm sure that many of you are familiar with Best Buy's Super Bowl commercial with Ozzy Ozbourne and Justin Beiber in which they laugh at how fast technology changes from 3G to 4G to 5G to 6G, all in a single commercial. No, this summer we aren't getting into the technology race but we will be spending the summer looking at a different kind of 4G. Our theme for the 2011 Summer Beach Project is For His Glory (4G). We will be teaching over 150 college students from eleven different campuses about how all that we are called to do and how all the God himself does is: for his glory. One of the key passages that we will be studying Isaiah 43:6-7, "I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, Do not withhold; bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made." In less than one week, we will be packing up our things and moving to Myrtle Beach, SC for a month! It will be an adventure to live in a hotel room across from the beach with a three month old, but we love the Summer Beach Project and are excited to see all that God will do.

Family Update

One of the things that we've noted is that the adjustment from a married couple to a family of three is a big transition! But we have been blessed, Zachary is a happy baby who is already sleeping eight hours most nights. He loves to smile and laugh, kick and stand up. Sometimes he seems frustrated with his little body because he wants to get up and walk and run around. He is such an inquisitive little boy! We have loved being parents.

Prayer Request:

1. For our summer in Myrtle Beach that we would be able to serve the SBP and have a healthy life-work balance
2. For Zachary to continue to grow ans for us as parents.
3. For the 150 students at SBP. Pray that God would raise up laborers!

Enjoy the pictures of Zachary below:

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