Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What's Next for the Fulginitis?

Glorifying God by Building Laborers on the Campus for the Lost World

Combined, Amy & I have given almost 16 years of our lives to the vision of Campus Outreach as both students & staff. In the past year, we've been faced with the decision of "do we want to give the next five years of our lives to this same vision in this same context?" Is God still calling us to the college campus to fulfill the Great Commission?

I'm sure that when many of you began to support us, you may have thought that you were just trying to help out a young, 22 y/o, recent college graduate who didn't know what they wanted to do, but was passionate about the Lord... we might have thought the same thing about ourselves at the time! Much has changed since the days that Amy was graduating from Wingate and I was graduating from Elon. No longer are we two single, early 20-somethings, fresh out of school; today we are both in our mid-late 20s, married, and have a baby boy! Wouldn’t it make sense to start pursuing a career? What is God calling our family to next? We've been wrestling with those questions ourselves. But time and time again, we still keep coming back to the fact that our passion for the campus still burns. After much prayer and counsel, we want to continue to give our lives away to the campus, to “glorifying God by building laborers for the lost world.” We are willing to take a step of faith and raise our family in this environment for sake of the Great Commission. We are committing to stay with Camus Outreach Charlotte for the next 4-5 years, maybe more... and we are thrilled!

What will we be doing? For the past three years, we have been serving primarily in our financial office, running the administrative aspect of our ministry and partnering on a limited basis with the staff at UNC Charlotte. We will now have the opportunity to serve as an Area Director of UNCC. What this means is that we will be responsible for directing the movement on campus, shepherding the other staff at UNCC and serving on the Executive Leadership team for Campus Outreach Charlotte. We feel humbled by this lofty calling and inadequate for the task at the same time. We truly believe that God is calling us to this role even though it feels so much bigger than we are. We will begin serving in this capacity beginning in August 2011. It’s an exciting time to be a part of the UNCC community, as the campus explodes in growth and looks forward to its new football team coming soon. The need there is great.

What's been true before is even more so now: we need you. We need our support team to rally around us. There are going to be significant challenges to raising a family in this context. Life is just more complicated with a baby (but so much more joyful)! Here are two ways, we would like to ask you to partner with us:

  1. Pray! We will need your prayers now more than ever. Pray for us as we transition. Pray for spiritual protection from the forces of darkness. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we lead and direct the staff and students at UNCC.
  2. Continue to support us. It is so critical that entering this new phase of life and ministry we have a solid, support team behind us. God has provided richly through you over the past several years and we want you to continue to join us in this mission. Will you, in faith, continue to give not to us, but to the Great Commission being fulfilled at UNCC and ultimately, the world? We hope you will, we need you.

This verse comes to mind when the Lord places you on our hearts, Philippians 1:3-5, "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now."

Thank you for joining us in this great mission!

For the World,
Zach and Amy

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