Wednesday, August 17, 2011

4HG & Start of School

4HG: SBP Wrap-up

Thank you for your prayer for our Summer Beach Project! It was an amazing summer as 150 college students and 25 staff studied the glory of God (4HG: For His Glory). It is remarkable to think about the impact these students could have on their eleven different campuses throughout North Carolina and DC area. These students are not only established in their walks to study the Bible and pray, but also in their ability to share the gospel with their classmates. We pray that our college campuses are getting 150 "laborers" this fall semester!

School Starts Friday!

Freshmen move in this coming Friday! The past several weeks our staff team has spent the majority of our time planning for the first six weeks of school! It seems almost surreal to be honest. The start of school always comes so fast. Many of you may remember what you felt on move-in day of your freshman year: anxiousness, excitement, uncertainty, freedom! We hope to serve these students by helping them move into their new homes and begin to build relationships with them. One of the ways we hope to meet students is to have a huge Pig Pickin' right in front of where all the freshmen live, it will be awesome!

**What's Next for the Fulginitis??**

If you didn't receive our letter in the mail, we posted it online here: We have undertaken a new role within Campus Outreach Charlotte and are excited to begin! In short, we are beginning to move our of the COC administrative office and into an Area Director role, serving the campus of UNC-Charlotte. We would love for you to take a minute to read this letter to all of our supporters. We are thankful for your financial and prayerful partnership, we could not do it without men and women like yourself. If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email at Thank you!

Prayer Requests:
1. That we would serve the campus in a way that glorifies God as we help move students in.
2. That we would meet the students that are hungry for spiritual things.
3. That we would have a blast with our Pig Pickin' & meet a ton of people!

Below are some pictures of our family:

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