Saturday, September 24, 2011

September Update

What's Been Going On?

Investing in Athletes: This year, Amy & I both have a unique opportunity to reach athletes at UNC Charlotte. Amy has been leading a Bible Study of three girls who play on the women's soccer team. These are girls who are Christians but are praying to reach their teammates. See the picture below! I have started a ministry on campus just for varsity student athletes called Athletes Connect. It is a chance for them to come, get to know athletes from other teams and grow spiritually. Our first meeting was last week and we had about 12-15 athletes from 4 different teams. I was able to share with them about building your house on the rock from Matthew 7. It was a great start!

Pig Pickin: The first week on campus, we held a Pig Pickin right on campus in front of two dorms that house over 500 people each! We had members from our church come a cook the 150lb pig for over 14 hours on site, it was awesome! Approximately 400-500 people came, got to eat some amazing food and hear about our ministry. It was a huge success!

Fall Retreats: Every fall, we try to offer an opportunity to grow spiritual for students on campus through our fall retreat. This year we are having two retreats, one for the guys and one for the girls. The men's retreat is entitled: Are You Man Enough? The women's retreat is going to be called: She's Gone Country! These retreats offer our students a chance to bring their friends who are't Christians to a context where they will have a lot of fun and be challenged by the gospel. We are hoping for over 300 students between these two retreats, many of them will not know Christ.


Read below a testimony of a student who recently attended "The U':

"what you talked about tonight really got to me .. opened my eyes to alot and i really took it to heart. you were talkin about going out of your comfort zone and when you dont have control you go to things that you know you can control .. i do that alot..honestly i am scared to go out of my comfort zone from fear of disapproval or consequences of doin so .. i seek approval for everything i do . things i wear . things i talk about. etc etc. things i buy. situations i put myself in. when you were talkin about what things you invest your money for entertainment of seeking satisfaction. i turn to drugs. alcohol. acceptance and yeah for alittle while those things keep you satisfied but after a actually will leave you depressed. very unsatisfied. and i want satisfaction...and i want to always have it . my relationship with jesus? i guess you could say . i dont have one...but i want it...i want that satisfaction..."


This week Zachary just turned seven months old! He is growing, getting big and developing quite an appetite. In the last few weeks, he has begun teething and you can see a tooth popping through his gums. Though he's definitely been a little more fussy, he's getting through it with a lot of drooling and wanting to be picked up. We are very blessed by him and we love him so much!

Prayer Requests:

1. Students to come to faith in Jesus Christ. Many evangelistic Bible studies are going to be starting soon!

2. Fall Retreats - that many unbelievers would come and respond in faith in Jesus Christ.

3. Ministry to athletes through Athletes Connect. Pray that God would open doors to teams that we haven't met anyone in yet.

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