Friday, November 11, 2011

CO National Conference!

Each year, Campus Outreach brings in the new year with a bang! The past several years, we have partnered with CO Greenville, Lynchburg and DC to hold a conference for students exploring Christianity and looking to deepen their walks with God, in our nation's capitol. This year, we will be in Chattanooga, TN with every other Campus Outreach region in the country! We are expecting anywhere from 4000 to 5000 students. Our speakers this year include: John Piper, Matt Chandler, Harry Reeder and JD Greear. This is the first conference in ten years that Campus Outreach has held that will be a national conference! Check out the conference website: to watch some of the video promos!

Here's the best news... YOU ARE INVITED! Whether, you are a friend, supporter or alumni of Campus Outreach, you are invited! Amy & I would love to have you join us to see first hand the ministry that you are supporting and praying for. I think of the first four verses in the book of First John, "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life-- the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us-- that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete." I'm always struck by how imminently present the life and ministry of Jesus was to John. We would love for you to hear, see, look upon, and touch one of the most significant events that we hold and for our ministry. Would you consider joining us?

If you are interested in joining us and you are a supporter or friend of our ministry, send me an email for more information ( If you are an alumni of Campus Outreach, check out this website: We have an entire conference track just for you! Obviously, many of you will not be able to join us due to prior family and holiday obligations... but we wanted you to at least know what you are welcomed to join us and we would love for you to be there!

Greek Ministry:
I wanted to pass along a report from our campus director at UNCC, Andrew Hathaway. Andrew recently saw a freshman fraternity member of Lambda Chi meet Jesus for the first time. Last week he was given 25 minutes to speak to an entire pledge class in one frat and then he met an officer from Lambda Chi who invited him to come and speak this Sunday to some guys at his house. When Andrew got there he found out the officer had set up for him to speak for an hour to all the freshman in the fraternity. Andrew got to share his testimony and a full explanation of the gospel. During one of the bible studies with these frat guys, one of the guys just opened a bible and started reading in Genesis 1. He had never opened a bible before. The guy looked up from his reading and said to Andrew and the other guys who were waiting for things to start and said, "Did you guys know that it talks about how God created the world in here?!" Coming into this year, we had no significant contacts with any fraternity members and were praying for God to open doors. Thus far, Andrew has made significant contacts in three different fraternities and has been holding Bible Studies with members of each. Praise God!

Prayer Requests:
  1. For God's glory to be made known on the campus of UNCC
  2. For National Conference recruitment. Pray that God would bring many freshmen to raise up a new generation of students who love the Lord!
  3. This weekend is our ministry's "Mobilization Retreat". It is an overnight retreat just for seniors, designed to help equip them to successfully transition from the campus to the real world. There are 12 students from UNCC who are attending. Pray that God would give them a heart to be laborers beyond the campus.
  4. For our family! Pray that Amy & I would be godly parents and that Zachary would come to know Christ very early!
Family Pictures:

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