Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Hello from the Fulginitis! We hope that everyone is preparing for a fun Halloween this coming Saturday. This will be the first year that we will get to hand out candy to the trick or treaters in our neighborhood! Should be a lot of fun. This has been an interesting last couple of weeks at our house. We've had our hot water, dryer and heating/AC all break/stop working in the span of a week. It was certainly frustrating to have to take cold showers for a few days, but fortunately everything is fixed. Oh the joys of homeownership...

Ministry is going well! Recruitment for our the New Year's Conference is in full force. Please join with us in praying for many students to attend this year from UNCC. We would be thrilled if God brought 30 students to this conference. The Bible Study for guys on the baseball team that I am leading is going really well. This week we talked about the Lordship of Christ in our lives and what that means. Pray that the seeds that are sown in these men's hearts are falling onto good soil! I would love to see all four men in my Bible Study takes steps of faith and attend the New Year's Conference.

The month of November is already looking like a crazy month! In a couple of weeks all of the married couples on our staff team will be traveling to Richmond, VA for a "Heart to Heart" marriage conference put on by the Barnabus Center. We are really privileged to work for a ministry that values the health of its married couples. This will be a great chance for us to invest in our lives and our marriage, when so much of ministry is investing into the lives of others. Pray that God strengthens our marriage and works in us in such a way that our relationship would bring God much glory!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Tuesday night was my first Bible study with some guys (mostly from the baseball team). Together we studied, "What is the Gospel?" We looked at a lot of difference aspects including how to received the gospel, reconciliation, who is the gospel for and what are some of the benefits of the gospel? I would ask you to pray for two things for these four guys: 1) that they would have an increased hunger & desire to know God and follow Him and 2) that God would bring them to our New Year's Conference. Check out our conference website:

This Friday we have having a big Fall festival type party called, Rocktober. This is going to be a great opportunity to get relational time with many of the students that have been coming around to Campus Outreach at UNCC. We are going to be having a pie eating, bobbing for apples, pumpkin carving, dance party, corn hole, pie throwing, and a Rock Band Competition! Should be a ton of fun!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Each semester, the staff of Campus Outreach Charlotte are required to take a "halftime" from work and ministry. This is an opportunity to step away from the campus to rest/recharge, evaluate the first half of the semester and to plan for the second half of the semester. The nature of college ministry is such a grind that halftimes are really necessary. This semester is the first halftime that Amy & I will get to take together. We are excited to be able to use a friend's condo from our church in Hilton Head, SC. We feel very blessed to work for a ministry that requires us to do something like this and to have friends who graciously allow us to use beach houses! Please pray that this would be a restful time for us and that we would equipped and ready for the second half of the fall semester.

During our time at Hilton Head, we will be taking some extended time to pray for our lives, UNCC, ministry, etc. but we also are going to spend time praying for our friends, family and supporters. If there is something you would like us to pray for, please feel free to let us know: or It's our privilege to partner with you in prayer as you partner with us!

Thank you,
Zach & Amy

Monday, October 12, 2009

October Update

God has been moving in some exciting ways in these past couple of weeks and I wanted to rejoice in them with you. None of the ways that God is moving is possible without your prayers, encouragement and support of Amy & I.

1. Beach Getaway was a great time for building community for students from UNCC. Amy & I were not able to make it though, Amy was sick the entire week before and we thought it best to rest and recover. But there were about 70 students in total who had a blast and heard the gospel!

2. I was able to speak at UNC-Greensboro's weekly gathering, called "8:05". I spoke to about 130 students on what is the treasure of their lives and then challenged them to make Jesus their treasures. Here is the link for a video that I played that illustrated the challenge that I gave to the students:
During our time in Greensboro Amy was able to connect with about ten girls that she had been investing in during her time at Elon (see attached pictures of girls that Amy discipled at Elon). It is amazing to see how God works in the lives of people even when aren't the ones investing anymore, it's a reminder that God is committed to what He has started.

3. I have started a bible study with four men, three of which play on the baseball team. This is really exciting for me personally as I have a desire to reach the baseball team since so much of my life was spent playing growing up. Pray that these men have an increased desire for the Word of God and follow Jesus.

4. Last week, UNCC had our weekly gathering, called the "U". Honestly, it was the best "U" that we have had in the two school years that I have been at UNCC. God just seems to continue to bring more men and women every week to hear His Word. Last night, there was about 70 students who heard a call from one of our staff to "drop their nets and follow Jesus" (Matt 4).

There really is so much to share. I hope to be able to get together with each of you to be able to personally share more stories about God's faithfulness to His people and to His glory on our campuses here in NC. Thank you for your prayers!

-Zach & Amy