Thursday, January 14, 2010

Talks from Paradox Conference

Hey everyone, if you are interested in listening to and of the rallies or seminars that went on at Paradox 2009, check out the website: and go to "resources".

There are tons of great materials. My personal favorite talk was Andy Lewis's talk, "The Paradox of Contentment" and I'd personally recommend all the men to listen to Dr. Mike Ross' men's seminar! Enjoy!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Paradox Conference Update!

"So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the one who gave it all. I'll stand, my soul Lord to you surrendered... all I am is yours."

The words above were the cry of the 500 students in Washington DC from Dec 29 to Jan 2. During this conference, God showed up in some amazing ways and Amy & I were privileged to be a part of God's work in the hearts of many, many men and women. Six different students from Charlotte made professions of faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! On the evening of January 1st, one of the speakers (Andy Lewis, pastor of Mitchell Road Pres in Greenville, SC) made a particularly strong call to everyone in the room to stop viewing their relationship with Christ as a on-again, off-again dating relationship and instead commit to following him as in a marital relationship. It was after this talk that four girls from UNCC gave their lives to Christ in the span of one hour! All 34 students from UNCC were significantly impacted by the preaching of God's Word and corporate worship. From exploring the monuments, visiting museums, staying 3 blocks from the White House, staying up late having spiritual conversations, worshipping with 500+ people, having a crazy dance party to bring in the new year and an awesome concert put on by a Christian hip-hop artist, JR, this conference was amazing!! It's hard to put into words all that God was doing at this conference, so below are some videos of students who were at the conference (I'll let them tell the story)! I would encourage you to take a minute to watch at least one of them. These students' testimonies are direct answers to your prayers!

Please pray that the seeds that have been sown into the hearts of these students would fall on to good soil (Matthew 13). The first day of classes in Monday!