Wednesday, June 23, 2010

SBP 2010 Update

Dyin' To Live

For the majority of the the past month, Amy & I have spent our time in Myrtle Beach, SC serving the 2010 Summer Beach Project. Though the conditions are never ideal (moving into a tiny hotel room for a month never is), it is always a joy for us to be at SBP. Currently, 130 students are in the middle of the eight week project. The staff have left and we have entrusted the project to student team leaders! Pray that the SBP student team leaders would lead the project well as the staff are gone. Our theme for the summer has been "Dyin' To Live" which is a two-fold theme that highlights 1) how everyone is dying for life and 2) how the only way to truly experience life is to die to one's selfish/sinful ambitions through the cross of Jesus Christ.

At the Beach Project, I have had the privilege of leading our Stewardship Training packet. It's been a joy to teach students how to be witnesses for Christ through the way that they live their everyday lives. We've been teaching them: time management, how to steward money, the value of the Sabbath and more. Amy & I also taught a seminar on how to have godly relationships with the opposite sex. It's exciting to know that 130 students have been taught the value of having Christ at the center of their relationships. Our last weekend in Myrtle Beach was "Parent's Weekend". We had approximately 200 parents come. It was great for them to get to see all that God has been doing and what a day in the life of the SBP looks like.

This summer we are blessed to have a great group of men from UNCC. They are all having tremendous summers and growing in the walks with God. You can pray for Aaron, David, Daniel, Stephen, John, Milas, Carlton, Andrew & Lacy to not only grow closer to God but to each other in community. Pray that the community built in Myrtle Beach would translate into 9 men being on mission for Jesus Christ in the fall at UNCC.

Looking Ahead:
Amy & I are currently in Matthews, NC and will be for the next four weeks. Please pray for this season to be a restful one for us. The life and schedule at the Beach Project is quite demanding (we aren't used to staying up so late) and we are in need of some physical and spiritual rest. We will return to the Beach Project on July 18th and anticipate seeing all that God will do in 130 students lives while we are away.

Thank you for your prayers, support & encouragement. These student's lives are being transformed and you are playing a significant role in that transformation! Thank you!

-Zach & Amy